Rating out of 5: 5
Source: Walkhighlands
Well, what can I say about this route… I had to start it twice, didn’t even get up the first summit the first time, don’t know why just wasn’t feeling that great.
However, this is about when I actually did the whole route and enjoyed it very much. Many people don’t take the detour to the third summit (second one if you follow the route on Walkhighlands) but it offers great views towards the Cheviots and in-between you can easily spot Rubers Law which offers great walking opportunities as well.
Slowly heading uphill as soon as you start walking the path is easy to walk and the way is very clear until you reach the shoulder between Eildon Mid Hill and Eildon North Hill. Soon starting to head up Eildon Mid Hill you will have to watch your step on the way up and down to prevent yourself from stumbling, the paths are not too bad, however, there are a couple of bigger stones which can be loose at times and especially in humid conditions you should take good care.
Upon reaching the top of Mid Hill you will have amazing views over the whole border region and at clear weather maybe you can even spot the North Sea…
Following the same way down as you headed up you might (which I didn’t) find the right way to head off to the right towards Eildon Wester Hill the smallest of the three. It is a long stretch of path there but with its more secluded location it is very nice to just sit down and let your mind drift off for a bit upon reaching the top. If you miss the path as I did you can just follow the more visible track and use your navigation skills to reach the top.
Afterwards you will have to head back up to the shoulder between Eildon Mid Hill and Eildon North Hill. After reaching the top of Eildon North hill make sure to take a closer look and imagine the Hill fort that once stood on top of the hill.

Between heading down the hill and walking back towards Melrose you will get the chance to take a small detour to Rhymers Stone which is a great spot for a small picknick after having nearly finished the long walk.
The way back isn’t that scenic, but it is somehow calming to walk next to the houses through a relatively calm area, right on the Border Abbey Way.
A solid 5 out of 5 for this nice route.