Scotland - The country of Bagpipes, Kilts and Whisky. But that's not what Scotland is, at least not all that Scotland is. Scotland is a country of wild rough nature and astonoshing beauty , rich on history, friendly people, mountains, glens, lochs, flora and fauna. Come with me on a journey exploring this special place, valueing its unique atmosphere, getting to know its inhabitants and unique history. Scotland, a country like no other, seen from the eyes of a non native, feeling home there.
Creag Bheag and Tom Baraidh, Kingussie
CCrreeaagg BBhheeaagg aanndd TToomm BBaarraaiiddhh,, KKiinngguussssiiee

Creag Bheag and Tom Baraidh, Kingussie

Rating out of 5: 5

Source: Walkhighlands (+ a bit of free roaming)


Quickly heading off into the woods and starting to ascend Creag Bheag, this walk is a very nice one, easy to follow. The route was just recently worked on (and partially still is) to make the paths more clear and even easier to follow, making it a picturesque route for tourists, offering stunning views over Kingussie and throughout the surrounding area.

After the easy climb, the descent is a bit trickier, although on clear paths, it is steep in places and requires you to watch your feet before reaching the woods and easier tracks again, following alongside the River Gynack for a couple of metres (alongside the golf course) before heading off into the deeper woods with amazing high trees and the chance to spot some squirrels.

Most tourists do either one route or another so to combine both of them is a very nice opportunity and if you watch closely on the last bits before reaching a bit of road walking back into Kingussie, you can spot the Ruthven Barracks in the distance.

On the last stretch make sure to watch out at the right side of the street there are a few wee ponds which make for a lovely and short extension before reaching the town centre again.

Definitely enjoyed this walk and have to say especially the walk Creag Bheag makes a lovely hike for kids, bagging a Sub2000er and enjoying lovely views, powering them out and training them for bigger hills. Deserving of the 5 stars, even if there is lots of wind and I had to be careful to not be blown of the hill ;D, the bit of streetside walking was short and could be made more enjoyable with the adjustment of the wee pond walk before walking the last couple of metres.

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