Rating out of 5: 4
Source: walkhighlands
Starting in the centre of Denholm the route generally is a very nice one, leading you straight up to the top of Rubers Law, even though there was a quite a bit of wind break after storm Arwen, the paths were clear and you could still do the walk. Easily accessible by buses from Jedburgh or Hawick the route is something to do as a quick morning walk or even with your kids. Take care at the top of Rubers Law, since this part is rocky and on one side of the hill goes down quite steeply.
Changing the route from the book I used in the beginning to the Walkhighlands route (since I don’t like to walk paths twice) I headed down the other side, which left a very steep descent in front of me and from the top on I couldn’t find the path, I finally found it at the end of the steep part and followed it for the rest of the walk as it was advised. This slightly steeper part down did take good coordination skills to not get hurt so really, please watch out.
For parts of the second half of the route I followed the Border Abbey Way, which made me walk that part twice, which I wasn’t too happy about, but you can’t have everything.
I give this route a 4 out of 5 since it is a very nice one but I for my part wouldn’t advise it with young children this way, however, if you just walk up and down the same route it is great for a quick morning walk or a lovely hike with your family, offering great views over large parts of the Scottish Border region.