Scotland - The country of Bagpipes, Kilts and Whisky. But that's not what Scotland is, at least not all that Scotland is. Scotland is a country of wild rough nature and astonoshing beauty , rich on history, friendly people, mountains, glens, lochs, flora and fauna. Come with me on a journey exploring this special place, valueing its unique atmosphere, getting to know its inhabitants and unique history. Scotland, a country like no other, seen from the eyes of a non native, feeling home there.
Allermuir Hill and Swanston
AAlllleerrmmuuiirr HHiillll aanndd SSwwaannssttoonn

Allermuir Hill and Swanston

Rating out of 5: 4.5

Source: Walkhighlands


The walk up Allermuir Hill can be a very nice one and maybe the reason for me giving it “only” four stars is because I was missing the kick on it, however, this might only have been due to the weather changing to be pretty cloudy. Due to the conditions the usually amazing views over Edinburgh weren’t that great but could only be imagined after what I saw on the way up.

For me the walk was the perfect reminder of how quickly the weather in Scotland can change and so I actually don’t mind the clouds descending.

Peak of Caerketton Hill

When doing the walk you should keep in mind that it is short but climbs a fair bit and especially beginning with the steep bit can be exhausting, especially in warm weather you do need lots of water but as soon as you are on a certain height you will be rewarded with amazing views so maybe stop and take them in for a second before heading up to the summit itself, cause as I mentioned before, the clouds might end up descending and ruining the views, most of the times you will be rewarded again from the top though.

Peak of Allermuir Hill

In general, it is a very lovely walk, starting off steep before ascending gradually, following small paths and wider tracks which was maybe even my favourite part of the walks, although the views I had on the way up were very great and I loved the challenge of it, the way down, although through quite a thick mist, was just sort of calming really. So, I think having relived all this in my head I will actually slightly change my original rating from 4 to a 4.5.

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