There is just one place in the world which is home to you and that doesn’t have to be the place you’re actually from.
For me home has never been Germany, where I am originally from and currently still live. Home for me is Scotland, ever since I first set foot into this beautiful country in 2017.
My name is Steffy, I am 23 years old and from a small town near Munich in Bavaria. Since my first visit to Scotland in 2017 I visited in 2018, 2019 and then from 2019 till 2020 as an AuPair, 2020 I had the luck to be able to get to the Borders, as a short visit before everything shut down again.
In 2020 I also started an apprenticeship as a travel agent with the goal of making my biggest dream become reality, showing people the beauty of Scotland, work and live there. Which finally turned into reality in 2023.
With this website I want to create a base for this future and also want to start showing the world how rich in beauty and history, Scotland really is.
I began to fall in love with Scotland over the series Outlander. The history around Culloden intrigued me quite a lot and so I started to research about it more and more. After that I went on to Maria Stuart, learned more about the Massacre of Glencoe and a few other things. I am still learning, each single day I dive into Scottish history I learn more about it, about the country, its people, its culture. But one thing that will never leave my heart is the battle of Culloden. I remember the first time I heard the Skye Boat song (not the Outlander version) and I started crying. This Battle made me fall in love with scottish history and at the same time it makes me feel connected to Scotland. To honour all of the history of Scotland, the people who fought and died for this country, that is my goal, in some way we owe them this honour.
“Alba gu bráth” (scottish Gaelic: Scotland forever)